Designated Staff for Safeguarding & Child Protection


ALL staff, volunteers and visitors have a responsibility to take prompt action if they are concerned about the safety or welfare of a child.

If a child is suffering, or is likely to suffer harm, action must be taken immediately. All concerns about the safety and welfare of a child must be taken seriously

If a visitor has any concerns regarding the welfare of a child they must speak to the school’s Designated Senior People for Child Protection.

Our Designated Staff are:

Mrs Jenny Sheppard: Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead

Miss Lauren Rogers: Deputy Headteacher and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Ms Louise Collinge: Behaviour Lead, Mental Health Lead, SENDCO Lead and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Miss Charlotte Gregory:  Assistant Headteacher, EYFS SENDCO and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Pippa Lesnik: EYFS Lead and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Jenny Sheppard

Miss Lauren Rogers

Ms Louise Collinge

Miss Charlotte Gregory

Mrs Pippa Lesnik

The governor responsible for safeguarding is Mary Willatt

You will be asked to record your concern on the school’s Safeguarding Children Record of Concern

Children’s Services can be contacted directly on 0300 123 4043

For further information including our Child Protection Policy please click here to visit the Policies page


Safeguarding Reminders

To ensure the safety of our children and staff in school please observe the following:

  • On arrival sign in at the school office and don't forget to sign out when you leave
  • Visitor badges must be worn at all times. Please return your badge to the school office when you leave
  • Please ensure that all doors are securely closed after entering and leaving a building
  • Our school is a mobile free zone. Mobile phones may only be used in the staff room at break and lunchtime and must be turned off and kept out of sight at all other times.
  • In line with our e-safety policy visitors are requested not to take photographs without prior permission
  • Visitors are welcome to use the staff toilets in the main school building
  • Unless you are visiting a child in a professional capacity you should never be alone with a child. Always ensure you are in sight of a member of staff


If you wish to print out a copy of our tri-fold leaflet Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) ahead of your visit to Prae Wood School please click here