Prae Wood School Association (PWSA)



Click on our updates page to see how the school is using the funds raised and what we have planned for the future

To receive immediate updates regarding events and notices for the PWSA, join our Facebook page.



The PWSA is run and organised by the parents and carers of the children that attend Prae Wood School. Our main aim is to raise funds to support the school, through organising activities and social events, whilst developing a sense of community.

Meetings, which discuss what the PWSA organise and the ways in which the money raised is distributed, take place every 4 to 6 weeks in the Staff Room from 7.30pm, with Agendas and Minutes circulated via the PWSA weekly email.

Every parent is very welcome to come and take part, so please come along and join us.

Our success is completely dependent on your participation and we wholeheartedly appreciate all of your contributions, from baking for the bake sales, to manning the stalls at our seasonal fairs or attending the many events throughout the year.


Who’s Who?

At present, the committee is made up of: 

Chair - Liz Goldbrom

Secretary - Nicola Clift

Treasurers - Gemma Harrison, Jenny Rose and Sinead Williams

Communications - Jennifer Mouratsing

100 Club Coordinator - Edel Woolf

Pre-Owned School Uniform Coordinator - Susannah Kakati


You can contact members of the committee, via the PWSA Facebook page/email address (see above), or the school office

If you would be interested in taking up a role as part of the committee, please get in touch via our email address.


How Can Parents Get Involved?

We appreciate that your time is precious and that a majority of parents work, so trying to fit in anything more can seem like an overwhelming task. However, if every parent donated a few hours of their time each year, the PWSA could achieve even bigger and better plans.  You can find out more from your Class Representative, or review the weekly news email to see what is planned and upcoming.

If you would like a more active role, then perhaps taking up the role of class representative would suit you. It’s a great opportunity to get to know the other parents and guardians in your child’s class in an informal way. Class reps are a point of contact for teachers, parents and the PWSA members. They coordinate collections for various events, collate volunteers, donations, attend PWSA meetings and have a hands on role organising some events. Another bonus to the role is arranging the social gatherings. If you’d like to know more, please get in touch. 

If you have any ideas to raise money for the school, or have any feedback or queries about what we do, please drop us an email

More Ways to Help Raise Money

There are additional ways that you can support the PWSA with fundraising:

Stamptastic and Stikins order codes

If you are ordering name labels or stamps for your child’s uniform from these companies then please add the codes when purchasing and the PWSA will receive some commission.


Earn 15% commission for the PWSA when you buy any Stamptastic product, using this affiliate link:
PLUS £4.99 discount when you order the School Name Labels Deluxe Bundle, using this PTA Code: AL34HZ
 Stikins use code 16107
Click here to visit the Stikins website and place your order and raise money for the PWSA

Easy Fundraising

By using the easy fundraising page at the start of your online shopping, the retailers donate a small amount, based around your purchases, for the PWSA. There is no charge to parents. Simply select the PWSA as your preferred cause  and we receive the donations. The more you use it, the more money we raise

Donations through Gateway

On your child’s School Gateway payments section there is a PWSA Donations option, where you can donate money directly to the PWSA.


Log in to your child's account and visit the 'Payments' section. You can donate as much as you like, with the minimum amount set at £5.00






100 Club

This is the school’s mini lottery, with a prize draw once a month during Celebration Assembly. More details can be found on the PWSA 100 Club page.

It costs just £1 a month to take part, and participants can buy as many balls as they would like. The prize money each month is split between the school and 3 winners.

Click here for further details



If you have any good quality school uniform that another student could benefit from, please donate it to the Sustainable School Shop. Sales take place at different times during the year and the money raised gets channelled back into the school. We ask, however, that uniform shirts and jumpers have the school logo and that they do not have any name labels in them. 

If you would like to purchase items outside the organised sale times, please contact Susannah Kakati- see above


What has the PWSA helped provide so far?

The money that you help raise is channelled directly back into the school. For further details on this, please see our Updates page.


If you would like any further information about getting involved, please contact us

Click here for a link to the PWSA Constitution

Click here to read more about how PWSA uses your information

Reports from AGM 2024

For Chair's Report click here

For Treasurer's Report click here

For Accounts click here

Reports from AGM 2023

For Chair's Report click here

For Treasurer's Report click here

For Accounts click here