Science Week 2023

Pupils enjoyed lots of activities across the week under the banner of SCIENCE. We hope they enjoyed themselves pursuing different experiments and investigations- we await the results with interest! This year the theme for British Science Week was ‘Connections’


To start the week, KS1 joined many other schools from the UK and further afield on a STEM live webinar to celebrate the start of British Science Week 2023.
Kate, a civil engineer, read two stories to pupils about building bridges. The first story was about which materials were suitable to build bridges; stone was the final suggestion. The second story was a take on 'Three Billy Goats Gruff' and the children had to help Orin the troll get the goats successfully over the bridge without the bridge collapsing.
Afterwards there was a question-and-answer session where we could input our pupils' questions through a chat box. The session was great fun, highly engaging and hopefully inspired some future engineers!


was designed to get the children thinking about the connections between weights, forces and measures


Children used flour/sellotape/black paper to obtain their fingerprints which were then examined under magnifying glasses. They looked for whorls, arches and loops and discovered that all fingerprints are different!


This activity introduced the children to the field to fork journey of fruit and vegetables - highlighting the key stages of growing, harvesting, shopping, preparing, cooking and eating. Children learnt about the connection between how foods grow and how they end up on their dinner plate.


For this activity, children got into groups of 3. One child washed their hands with a bar of soap, one child washed their hands with liquid soap and one child didn't wash their hands at all.

They then all rubbed their hands on pieces of white bread. The bread samples were placed in clear, sealed bags and placed in a warm, dark cupboard.

We will monitor the bags over the next few weeks to observe any changes.


Later, the Eco-Warriors judged the 'Create a Bird' Competition which was run as part of Stempoint Science Week
We have two Key Stage winners:
KS1 - Florence (Yr 2 Chestnut)
KS2 - Elise (Yr 6 Cedar)
The above entries will be entered into the national competition
We judged each year group too
Year Group Winners
Year 1 Chloe (Beech)
Year 2 Florence (Chestnut)
Year 3 Arthur (Larch)
Year 4 Lauren
Year 5 Emily (Mangrove)
Year 6 Elise (Cedar)