Prae Wood Parliament

Pupils in Years 1-6 are invited to represent their class in a variety of roles. The various groups usually meet once a half-term to discuss topics pertinent to the school. There are 2 pupil representatives from every class and they mix with other pupils across the year groups in their staff-led meetings.

We encourage children to volunteer for the roles who are confident to speak in groups, passionate about the subject and able to retain information, which they will share with their class after each meeting.

Classes vote to elect their reps so, while children may not always get the role they would like, they have the chance to nominate themselves and take part in the voting process all the way from Year 1 up to Year 6.

At the start of the Autumn Term, Mrs Sheppard and Miss Rogers presented an assembly to KS1 and KS2 pupils to introduce them to the roles and responsibilities available, as well as the voting process. You can see the presentation by clicking on the image below:

Click on the image to view the powerpoint

Click on the image to view the powerpoint



The Education Committee is led by Mrs Batt-Gregory and Mrs Phillips and is responsible for positive change within the school, e.g. updating the playground equipment, bringing forward any ideas that we have had in class (e.g. using recycling bins etc.) The reps must relay messages to the class that have been discussed at school council meetings.


PWSA reps meet with Mrs Welland to discuss fund-raising events or ideas to promote the activities planned by the PWSA (the Prae Wood School Association- our PTA) and update all their classmates about how they can get involved with and support events. The focus might be on things like the school library, depending on the current fundraising focus of the PWSA itself, but also includes planning for events like the Summer and Christmas Fairs etc.


Mrs Gritz leads our team of Eco-warriors who are responsible for engaging in discussions regarding the environment and how to help the planet in our everyday activities, both in school and in the wider community (turning off lights / computers etc.)


Our Wellbeing Champions are passionate about improving mental health and wellbeing in school.  They meet with Miss Gregory and Mrs van Uffelen to discuss practical ideas and strategies and are responsible for sharing these ideas with their class.


The Sports Ambassadors are led by Mrs Paine and Miss Jenkins. Pupils taking on this role will be naturally interested and excited by sports. Some of the key tasks involve helping Mrs Paine with sports events as well as playground games and equipment.


Pupils who are successfully elected will need to play an active role on their committee, demonstrating enthusiasm and commitment. They will have the chance to enjoy a trip or visit to really fire their enthusiasm and jointly decide on a project of relevance to their committee. Every term there is a Full Parliament Meeting to progress and achievements, in addition to the smaller focus-group sessions.


Members of our Prae Wood have recently attended some fantastic trips or taken part in some great activities. Look below to find out what they have been up to.....

The Education Committee travelled into London to visit the Houses of Parliament. They learned more about the seat of government in England and enjoyed their time in this historic and dramatic building

The Sports Ambassadors recently came together for a fun and active afternoon. After a meeting to discuss future events they will be organising, the children joined Tony, our Zumba instructor, in the hall for a thoroughly good work out.  Mrs Paine and Miss Jenkins were impressed with the energy and commitment shown by all of the Sports Ambassadors, even those who had looked a little sceptical when told what the afternoon entailed.  The group were quick to pick up the moves for the two different Zumba dances Tony taught them; one to NSYNC's 'Bye Bye Bye' and the other to an unfamiliar track however one of the moves in the dance meant we called this 'the dance where we were stirring the pot'.   Fortunately, the Sports Ambassadors didn't use up all their energy and were able to power the smoothie bike to create a well deserved refreshing drink once they had finished.  

The Wellbeing Champions welcomed some assistance dogs to the school from Pets As Therapy. The dogs will return to meet other pupils across the course of the year