Whole School Opportunities

We follow ‘Therapeutic Thinking Hertfordshire Steps’, a therapeutic approach to positive behaviour management focusing on care and control, based on the following principles:


· A shared focus on the inclusion of all children

· A shared set of values and beliefs

· Open and shared communication

· A shared commitment to diversion and de-escalation

· A shared approach for reflection and restoration


Whole school opportunities extend beyond the academic and offer experiences where children learn from each other and thrive together. We believe positive experiences, promote positive feelings which promotes positive behaviour.


Take a look below at a selection of the whole school opportunities on offer to children at Prae Wood:

Emotional Literacy

Whole School Circle Groups

Therapeutic Behaviour Approach

Everyone Welcome


Power Pets

Racial Literacy

Celebration Assembly

Daily Mile

Pupil Voice Groups (Little Leaders)


Circle Time

Parent Assemblies

Mixing up classes

Educational Mental Health Practitioner

Food Banks

PCSO E-Safety Assemblies

Challenges and Checking Stations

Sports Week

Volunteering Week
