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Latest News

Harry Potter Performance at The Alban Arena
14/03/2025 2:31 PM
Harry Potter Performance at The Alban Arena
A group of twelve dancers from Year 3 performed at The Alban Arena this week as part of the Hertfordshire County Dance Teachers Association's biennial dance festival.
The festival was celebrating forty years of the association with dances inspired by events, inventions, significant figures and popular culture from the four decades.   The dances from the nineteen participating primary, secondary and special needs schools covered a broad range of topics from the miners' strike in the eighties, 9/11, the music of Michael Jackson, the invention of the mobile phone and the shared fortieth anniversary of the soap Eastenders.  Prae Wood's inspiration came from popular culture with a dance based on the Harry Potter books and films.  
The Prae Wood dance was well received by audiences at both a matinee and evening show.  After months of rehearsals with choreographer, Miss Browning, ably supported by Mrs Kent, it was great to show what we had been working on to our audiences.   The dancers were excited to have the rest of the year group in the audience for the matinee along with plenty of support from parents, siblings, grandparents and aunts and uncles at both shows.
Well done to everyone involved.  It was a memorable day which, despite initial nerves, was one the dancers didn't want to end.  
Science Week
14/03/2025 2:29 PM
Science Week

We have enjoyed working under the banner of Science Week and pupils across the year groups have conducted Pattern Seeking Enquiries, which is research where the variables cannot all be controlled but causal relationships can be explored. Some examples might include ‘what is the relationship between foot height and actual height?’, or ‘Can children with long legs run faster?’

To add a further level of enquiry, groups split into boys and girls and completed a further comparison of their findings. Pupils also gave feedback on their experience via a Pupil Voice forum, designed to question why a there is a greater percentage of boys than girls currently working at greater depth in the subject. The results were interesting and thought-provoking. 

Netball v Skyswood
14/03/2025 2:18 PM
The netball team played their final league match of the season against Skyswood on Tuesday.
For the majority of the team, this was their last opportunity to represent Prae Wood and also a chance to secure four wins from four in the league.  It was a closely contested game with our shooters finding it tricky to score with such a tall defence.  Our speed through the court was great and our defensive pressure limited Skyswood's chances.  The final score ended 5-3 to Prae Wood with Grace, playing at goalkeeper, chosen as our Most Valuable Player.  Well done to the whole squad on an impressive league performance this season.
With four wins from four, the team look forward to receiving the division 1 trophy which will be handed over to Mrs Paine at the Netball AGM in early May.
Events Calendar
The School Day
The School Day
Parent's Evening Booking System
Parent's Evening Booking System
Letters to Parents 2024-25
Letters to Parents 2024-25
Wellbeing Page
Wellbeing Page